~A tribute to James Tomasi by Dr. Patrick Anderson D.C.~
Marianne & I returned early Monday morning from a memorial gathering in Texas to honor the life of a GREAT man of God in our lives. James Tomasi was an enormous force in the field of Upper Cervical Care. A devoted and committed patient advocate from the day he received his first Upper Cervical adjustment that saved his life. James and his amazing wife Rhonda traveled the U.S. and the world extolling the virtues and benefits of Upper Cervical care. I was blessed enough to join them on serving the people of Costa Rica in 2000 and 2001.
On multiple occasions, James spoke at our office or at patient events we held throughout the years. We still have patients today whose entire health history has been forever changed after hearing James’ inspirational message which led them to receive Upper Cervical Care.
Personally, James and Rhonda supported me in powerlifting competitions in Texas and Illinois. Most importantly, James honored Marianne and I in 2007 by performing the ceremony that brought the two of us as individuals to become one union under God.
We were able to spend a few hours Friday evening with Rhonda sharing memories about James as well as several funny stories. Reconnecting with their family as well as meeting some we only knew by name was a perfect end to a long drive. The open mic memorial gathering Rhonda orchestrated Saturday was exactly in line with James’ personality. Friends and family were able to get up and speak about the impact James and Rhonda had on their lives which covered so many different chapters in their history. It was personal, uplifting, and inspirational. At the end, you wanted to spread joy and hope the way James did.
Countless Upper Cervical Doctors and patients around the world owe James and Rhonda, whether you met them or not, gratitude for the thousands of hours they spent spreading the word about this little known procedure that saved one man’s life in Oklahoma decades ago on a Tuesday evening. He could have just been thankful to this one doctor that saved just his life but instead, decided to make it his mission to tell as many as people as would listen so thousands would have a better tomorrow.
James and Rhonda embody B.J. Palmer’s quote “We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow”.
God bless them and their families and thank you Jesus for bringing them into our lives.
Rest in Peace James for a life well lived.
~~ Dr. Patrick Anderson