How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
Social Media
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I was experiencing Vertigo for two years. At my worst, I could experience it 2-3 times a week. It would make me extremely dizzy and nauseous. My employer and my wife called the ambulance for me on two different occasions. Often, I would have to leave work early. Someone would have to come pick me up – I’d leave my vehicle and go back to get it 4-5 hours later. It was making life very complicated and stressful. The medicine I was given would help with the dizziness, but it made me drowsy and after an attack, I would not be productive for the rest of the day. The attacks began to happen more often. They were sudden, debilitating, and annoying. I missed birthday parties, social time with friends and most of all, family functions. I exercised regularly and it was coming to an end. I was getting extremely concerned about how I was going to be successful in my career.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
After my 1st adjustment, I am now going on 7 weeks vertigo free. It has truly been a blessing. I am exercising regularly, spending time with family, friends and being productive in my day-to-day life. I am very thankful for Dr. Anderson. He has given me back the quality of life I am accustomed to!
Chris L. (53 y.o. Male) Written 3/7/24
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
My friend came in for a consultation after meeting the AUC team at a Harvest Time Market festival and I went with her. I’ve never had problems with my back so I didn’t think I had any problems. I started having numbness in my left fingers. I called and made an appointment. My scan showed problems from many years ago. Just because you’re not having any “back” issues doesn’t mean there is not a problem. I never knew that the cervical part of your spine could have such an influence on the entire body. I decided to start my journey with Dr. Anderson to work on some health issues.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
July 2017 I broke a bone in my left foot and two years later I tore a ligament on the top of my right foot. I was on a knee walker for a total of eight months. After both injuries I struggled daily with walking; my balance was terrible, I couldn’t walk on uneven ground, my legs and feet hurt all the time. I’ve dealt with weight problems all my life and to throw the walking problems on top of it just made my life so much harder to do anything. It was just a never-ending cycle of chronic pain in my lower body!
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I had my first Upper Cervical adjustment ever in July 2023. I didn’t know what to expect and was a little nervous. Dr. Anderson explained everything that would happen. After the adjustment I had a tremendous rush of adrenaline throughout my body. It was a good, confusing feeling. I could feel my body responding to the adjustment immediately. Walking to the rest area I felt balance in my feet and the pain in my right foot was gone. I was overwhelmed with such a good feeling in my body. I felt so good when I left and had so much energy. The next few days I followed doctor’s orders, listened to my body and rested when I got tired. For the next few weeks little things all over my body happened; my balance was the biggest thing to improve at least by 90%, my legs stopped hurting so much, my hips, back pain and sleep improved, my eyesight improved so I don’t need glasses all the time, the numbness in my leg is almost gone, the numbness in my fingers is gone, I can feel my feet grip the ground again. It has only been three months since my first adjustment and it has changed everything for me. It has given me my physical part of my life back. I know that this health journey is not going to be fixed overnight. You have to be patient and listen to Dr. Anderson. I am very excited to see what other health improvements are in store for me.
Terry O. (56 y.o. Female) Written 9/26/23
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
We met the Anderson Upper Cervical team at a festival event. The conversation was very informative and we believed the service would improve our quality of life.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
Before Upper Cervical care my neck would often ache and be stiff, producing an aggravating pain. This often interrupted my sleep and especially my physical comfort. In addition, my right foot would ache and cause difficulty walking, sporadically, and when standing most of the day.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I’m sleeping better, feeling more rested and my neck pain is gone which gives me more comfort and peace; such an answer to prayer. Also, my right foot pain has diminished.
Janet Q. (59 y.o. Female) Written 8/31/23
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
At a booth in downtown Dallas.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
Before I had backaches and headaches constantly. I was taking pain meds all the time and still in pain. I didn’t have a plan for self-care.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I don’t have backaches or headaches as often. I don’t take pain meds at all! Dr. Anderson helps me by offering educational readings that explain some of my symptoms and gives me better ways to include exercise in my day.
Jasmine D. (44 y.o. Female) Written 5/16/23
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
I met Tammy and Marianne at McKenna Farms as we were all vendors.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
Before I started here I had extreme headaches every day to where I was taking tylenol and ibuprofen at least three times a day. I would buy the largest bottle of both and carry them with me wherever I went; work, vacations, day outs, etc. There was tylenol somewhere close by my proximity. My headaches would get very bad to where it was hard to teach my pre-k class because of the lights and sounds. It made me irritable, tired and all around not happy.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
After coming here for about three months, I do not get headaches very often and I only take tylenol maybe once a week. Compared to what I used to take, this is amazing. I couldn’t be more thankful!
Courtney H. (29 y.o. Female) Written 2/27/23
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
I went to the Dallas B2’s event.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I experienced insomnia, lack of energy and motivation and I was a heavy eater.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I am now sleeping better which in turn gives me more energy throughout the day that motivates me to get up and move, all while eating smaller amounts.
Kordel B. (28 y.o. Male) Written 1/26/23
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
My son, Sanford Clark told me.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
Any hard work lifting, mowing, tractor work or just standing or sitting for very long caused lots of back pain.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I’m able to work hard doing pretty much anything I want to do. I do get sore if I really overdo it but I’m over it very quickly instead of being sore for days.
Mike C. (67 y.o. Male) Written 6/7/22
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
At a booth last year at a New Season Church event while looking for my family. I talked with Marianne, filled out a form and won a free pillow.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
My health before Upper Cervical care was diminishing. I had problems with digestive issues (constipation), urinary issues, low back problems, neck issues, brain fog, blurred vision, numbness and coldness in hands and feet, respiratory issues and swollen lymph nodes. The health problems interfered with my life; pain all the time. I would have pain trying to sleep, sit and walk. Just performing daily activities would be a challenge for me. My husband was really concerned.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
From the first visit, I could feel the air going into my lungs (yawning). My breathing improved. My body has become stronger. I started back exercising (walking/stretching). My eating habits have changed thanks to the reading material provided by Anderson Upper Cervical. I can remember names and events. My posture has improved. My husband has seen an improvement in my health and my skin. I am taking out time to care for myself more. I have stopped worrying and stressing as much. I have learned how to relax again. I have seen improvement in my immune system. J Thank you Dr. Anderson.
Mono O. (44 y.o. Female) Written 5/24/22
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
I was approached by Tammy at a Christmas in July Craft Show at Magnolia Market.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
April 2010 I was diagnosed with Optic Nerve Edema Pseudotumor Cerebri. It was scary being told this not knowing what it is. I was by myself as my husband was working out of town & my son was in kindergarten. It was not explained to me so I was left thinking I’m going to die of a brain tumor. After a MRI the same day, then seeing a neurologist, he told me I had an excessive amount of fluid on my brain. He removed 7 tubes of fluid via spinal tap. With no explanation of why this happened to me other than “It sometimes happens to women that have a sudden change in weight or sometimes it just happens”. Really – What kind of answer is that?! My eye sight has gotten worse. They say there is no more swelling, just damaged optic nerve tissue. I started having “brain zaps” and was about to make an appointment with the neurologist when I was approached to check out Upper Cervical & see what will happen. I’m so glad I did. Symptoms: headaches, poor circulation, body swelling, fatigue, loss of coloration in skin, muscle aches, sinus inflammation & drainage all year long!
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
Since coming for eight months, I feel AMAZING! Since my spine and brainstem are now aligned there are no more “brain zaps”! I see everything more clearly (I still need my massive prescription). It’s hard to explain but everything from colors to the contrast of things are clearer. I have no more body swelling. Less headaches to the point I manage them without any medication. My sinuses are so much clearer from inflammation & drainage that I’m amazed. I have lots more energy to be a mom to my 6 year old daughter and 17 year old son, a wife to my husband and now my mother-in-law in my life/house! I don’t know where my body would be right now without Dr. Anderson and his team and I don’t ever want to know! This has been amazing for my health and life!
Cassandra D. (41 y.o. Female) Written 3/15/22
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
I saw a booth set up in town last 4th of July.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I was in pain all the time. My neck, back, and hips hurt so badly I was beginning to limit my daily activities. It was hard to keep up with my young children. I was also having trouble even doing chores around the house. I’m a stay at home mom, so this was a big deal.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I am no longer in constant pain. I can do more with my children now. I do still have times when I am in pain, but Dr. Anderson has taught me how to manage it better and I can usually get back to my normal activities quicker. My body is still in the healing stages but I feel like I am finally moving forward with my health. I am hopeful for my future.
Tabetha R (39 y.o. Female) Written 3/8/2022
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
I actually heard about Upper Cervical at a booth set up among other vendors.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I have had headaches and back aches. The lower back pains were scary at times. They sometimes felt like I would suffer paralysis if I made one wrong move.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I still at times have some lower back discomfort/ soreness but it’s never to the point of being fearful that I would sever a nerve. In fact I believe that the soreness now is all about the balance of muscle workload, rather than one side working more than the other. The act of self-healing brings much comfort to the mental as well as the physical.
Terrance J. (53 y.o. Male) Written 2/9/2022
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
Craft Fair
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I have suffered with migraines, environmental allergies, acid reflux, neck stiffness and pain for 30 years. For the last five years, I began struggling with fogginess, feeling “blah” and weight gain. I struggled with PTSD & depression for 14 years. Taking medications for allergies & acid reflux have been part of daily life for 20 years or more. Medications for all the other issues have been off and on, see-saw for as long as I remember. I was pretty darn miserable and overall feeling horrible!
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I started a weight loss journey mid-June ’21 & began care with Anderson Upper Cervical in Aug ’21. While I have a long way to go to reverse my cervical subluxation, in five months I am overall feeling better than I have in years! I feel more energy and less overall fogginess. I have stopped using a nasal steroid spray for allergies which I had used daily for 10 years or more. My neck pain and stiffness has diminished in frequency and severity. I am so thankful to have found this natural healing modality and Anderson Upper Cervical!
Donna S. (52 y.o. Female) Written 1/31/2022
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
Magnolia Market Festival
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I had chronic pain in my knees, back, neck and shoulders as well as frequent migraines. Climbing stairs was difficult and painful as well as lifting and playing with my daughter. I was always tired but couldn’t sleep well and at 29 years old I felt like I was 80. I was told that I would need surgery on both knees before 35 and received cortisone shots in both knees and my left shoulder every 6 months.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
Now I sleep great and wake up feeling well rested. No more neck pain and the pain in my back and knees are almost non-existent. I can play with my daughter, take my dogs on a hike and work all day without feeling like my body is about to fall apart. I am not worried about getting surgery on my knees anymore and can climb stairs with no pain now. Much happier with my mobility!
Jessica McW. (30 y.o. Female) Written 9/13/2021
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
I drove by the building for years and eventually walked-in.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
Before I received Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care, I had a laundry list of chronic ailments due to two car accidents. I often endured long days of neck and back pain, crushing migraines, nausea, and even pain-induced vomiting. I was miserable! I had to constantly postpone home maintenance responsibilities. I couldn’t fully enjoy playtime with my children. My health problems put a significant strain on home life. At work, I took pain drugs regularly just to get through the shift.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
Since receiving care, my health has improved tremendously. My life today is pain-free! Every ailment I was experiencing before care has vanished. No migraines! No back pain! No neck pain. Nausea…gone! I’ve noticed some unexpected benefits as well. My energy levels are incredible. I feel 20 years younger. And lastly, I’m having the deepest, most restful sleep of my life. As a former stomach sleeper, I tossed and turned all night. Not anymore. I can sleep on my back all night and wake up refreshed, full of energy and pain-free. Becoming Dr. Anderson’s Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care patient is the best health decision I’ve ever made. THANK YOU!
Kevin D. (44 y.o. Male) Written 8/24/2021
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
Our family heard about it from a friend who is an NSA Chiropractor. They recommended it for our son (7) who was complaining about back pain that we thought might be related to a fall he had when he was younger.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I’ve been experiencing back problems for nearly 20 years. It started in my early twenties when I herniated a disc playing football. The pain was very severe, and while that injury got better over time, I never fully recovered. I would experience flare ups several times a year where I felt the nerve pain again and my back was generally very stiff on a near constant basis. The pain changed over the years, moving around my back, but persisted in some way regularly. It limited my ability to play sports and caused me pain or discomfort in normal day-to-day activities. I would have to take things slow and when I did push myself physically I would pay for it the next day. I always felt like my back was 20-30 years older than the rest of my body.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
After a few months of care, and just as I was getting skeptical, I started to see a major difference in how my back felt. One day it just kind of dawned on me that my back didn’t hurt…at all. The pain that I have been feeling on a near constant basis had disappeared as had the lower back pain I felt when bending over. I was able to move freely without pain, sit comfortably for longer periods of time, and found myself feeling stronger overall. I could do more activities for longer periods of time and felt less sore and tired the day after. I still have some feelings of discomfort and pain, but they are usually when I have pushed myself too hard and I just feel the way a 40 year-old should feel after too much yard work or sports or after sitting in a tiny seat on a plane for too long. It makes me feel more confident in my body’s ability to heal itself and has made me feel stronger and happier!
Dan M. (40 y.o. Male) Written 7/20/2021
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
My friend, David Coheley, told me about it and recommended Dr. Anderson.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I was having chronic migraines almost daily. I have had life-long digestive issues. I have sleep apnea and depression with anxiety for over 20 years. I have had chronic fatigue and just an overall feeling of being in poor health.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
My digestive issues have improved. My headaches are improving. I am seeing some improvement with my sleep apnea, depression and fatigue.
Scott B. (50 y.o. Male) Written 6/22/2021
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
My husband and I were at a Fall Festival and visited the booth they had set up.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I have dealt with migraines and headaches for a long time. I have been on migraine medicine for the past 11 years, but would still get one around the time of my cycle each month. Rescue pills did not work. Also, I had tension in my neck and shoulders along with an achy back and knees. The migraines kept me from enjoying my days to the fullest and completing everyday tasks. The tension and aches were just bothersome all the time.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
It has been around six weeks since my first adjustment. In that time, I have not had ANY migraines or headaches, even during my cycle…which is not as bad as it used to be either. I have actually been able to come off my medicine and remained migraine free! This is HUGE for me!!! I’ve also noticed that the tension in my neck and shoulders as well as the achy back and knees isn’t there anymore. My shirts actually fit better and the graphics on them are straighter. I can tell that everything is shifting into the right spot. Thanks Anderson Upper Cervical for putting my head on straight!
Misty C. (44 y.o. Female) Written 12/21/2020
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
Dr. Rob Gucciardo, Howard Beach, NY
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I was in really bad shape. I seemed to have every “chronic illness” possible. Even after diet changes and many supplements under the care of a nutritionist, nothing improved to the level it should have. I was bedridden on many days because of how sick I was. The simplest task exhausted me.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
Almost every issue I had as far as “chronic illness” goes is gone. The improvements were immediate and continue. I feel better than when I was in my early 20s and even begun to lose weight.
Tara A. (41 y.o. Female) Written 10/22/2019
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
We were referred by Dr. Rob Gucciardo in Howard Beach, NY
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I felt like I was in generally good health but because of some serious sports injuries, I lived with a lot of joint and back pain. I just assumed it was something I would have to live with.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
Pain is virtually gone. My flexibility has increased dramatically. I am able to play sports at a higher level and my healing time is half of what it was before treatment. I feel great now.
Timothy A. (41 y.o. Male) Written 10/22/2019
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
My daughter was invited to a Women’s Health Night and learned about it there.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I honestly didn’t think about it. I had headaches pretty much every day and my knees would hurt all the time. I just took Ibuprofen and lived with it because I didn’t know any different.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
Since I’ve started seeing Dr. Anderson, my headaches have gone from a daily occurrence to maybe 1 or 2 a week. Also, the intensity of the headaches has decreased. I still have pain in my knees but it has improved as well. Another thing I’ve noticed is hard to explain but I have a better mental outlook because I just generally “feel” better.
Brad M. (49 y.o. Male) Written 3/28/2019
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
My daughter, Kayla M., attended Breast Health Night.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
Prior to Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care, I was extremely tense and anxious. I suffered with asthma, heart palpitations and chest pain. I often felt as if I was “folding into myself”. I had extremely low energy.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
Since my first Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic adjustment, I have zero tension in my shoulders. I have not had chest pains. I stand straighter (no longer have the feeling of folding into myself), my whole attitude and outlook on life is more positive. I need minimal asthma medication (only use my inhaler as needed). I have a lot more energy.
Jeanette M. (47 y.o. Female) Written 3/7/2019
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
I was lucky enough to be a vendor for an event where Anderson Upper Cervical was also a vendor and in the booth next to me.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I have scoliosis and this has caused some back discomfort since my twenties (I am now 61). A couple of years prior to coming to Dr. Anderson I was put on a heart monitor due to frequent blackouts and dizziness after turning my head or looking down. Each Fall I would have an allergy attack that would develop into upper respiratory issues.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
Since starting Upper Cervical care, I now know that the blackouts and dizziness was most likely due to the pressure on my brain stem coming from more than one direction (especially since my heart is fine). My clothes are now hanging on my neck and shoulders more evenly (than the shift to one side I’ve experienced most of my adult life). This past Fall was the first time I’ve not had allergies or any upper respiratory issues since I can remember. Overall I feel that I stand straighter (my head used to always lean to the right) and I am more limber. This is the healthiest I have felt in a very long time.
UPDATED on 4/11/22:
Since starting Upper Cervical Care with Dr. Anderson, I now know that the blackouts and dizziness was most likely caused by my brainstem being compromised from more than one direction (especially since my heart is fine). I no longer have seasonal allergies, my clothes hang evenly on my body (no falling off the right shoulder), and my bunion on my right foot is correcting itself (something I’ve had pain with for 10+ years, now no longer hurts). This is the healthiest I’ve felt in a very long time.
Linda C. R. (61 y.o. Female) Written 2/16/19 with updated progress on 4/11/22
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
My momma. She did a vendor event and met a few ladies who were also doing that vendor event for Dr. Anderson.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I had migraines 3 – 5 times a month at least. I would be sensitive to light and sound, in pain, and nauseated from pain.
Neck and shoulder pain almost daily. I carry all of my stress in my shoulders and neck, plus I would have general pain in those areas. I was applying heat 2 – 4 days a week.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
The biggest change has been the dramatic decrease in migraines. I have not had a single debilitating migraine since being adjusted 5 – 6 months ago. I will still get sinus headaches, as well as some limited nausea, but they never develop further. My neck and shoulder pain has decreased, as well. I still carry stress there but the pain is much less intense. I rarely have to heat the area or use any pain medication.
Brittony W. (27 y.o. Female) Written 2/16/2019
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
I attended a Breast Health awareness seminar and that was the first time I had heard of such practices.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
Since I could remember (10+ years) I have struggled with chronic headaches every single day. Before learning about UC care, I had been in a pretty gnarly car accident which intensified my headaches and brought on new body aches such as back/hip/shoulder aches. Dr. Anderson was the first doctor to look at me and give me answers to why I hurt the way I hurt.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
At this time, I am 3 months into my UC journey and my headaches have gone from daily, to maybe twice a month. And the intensity has drastically lessened since “getting my head on straight”. I have slowly been able to get back to my old self…actually better than my old self. My daily life is far more bearable thanks to Dr. Anderson and his commitment to my health.
Kayla M. (24 y.o. Female) Written 1/31/2019
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
From daughter who worked for Upper Cervical Chiropractor
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I lived with constant headaches (daily) from childhood. I was told I would just have to learn to live with. Also as a young adult, I began to have recurring severe bladder infections. Two years ago, I began to have severe lower back pain which got to the point I could barely walk at the end of the day. I was in pain 24/7.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I no longer live with constant headaches, I rarely have them. I haven’t had a bladder infection or UTI in years. Still having some back issues but continue to improve, back taking stairs and not in pain 24/7.
Jan G. (63 y.o. Female) Written 4/9/2016
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
Paulding Government Health Fair
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I had heart palpitations. I developed anxiety. My headaches were horrible. I had horrible neck pain. My sleep wasn’t as good as it should be.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
My heart is 100% better. I am sleeping better. My headaches are fewer & further in between. My neck pain is totally better. The anxiety is gone.
Josh L. (29 y.o. Male) Written 3/29/2016
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
From my daughter (current patient).
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I hurt in my wrist and hand (carpal tunnel) and I also have RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis). Sometimes, I could barely walk I was hurting so bad. I had trouble at work doing my job – trouble just walking into work. I really just hurt all the time.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I can use my hands and wrist to do whatever I want to do now. I can open my own water bottle also. I don’t have the pain when I walk. I can play a little basketball & go up and down stairs all without hurting. I sleep good too without the pain in my wrist and hands.
Billie K. (54 y.o. Female) Written 11/19/2015
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
My wife & family friend who are both patients.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I had very bad knee pain for over 2 years. I had received Cortizone shots that gave only temporary relief. Having been in law enforcement for over 20 years, I was also experiencing shoulder, low back and hip pain from carrying a gun belt. The pain was affecting my work.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I have no pain in my knees, shoulders, back and hips. I can now do all the activities that I was not able to do before. Working is better and I have noticed a better attitude in myself because the constant pain is gone.
Steve N. (52 y.o. Male) Written 11/19/2015
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
We used to be patients of Dr. Leonard Duff, who is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
Before Upper Cervical care, I woke up several times throughout the night. I also had significant pain due to Plantar Fasciitis. I could barely hold my own weight when I first got out of bed in the morning.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
The biggest improvement I have noticed since coming under care is my ability to sleep better and I no longer have any pain associated with Plantar Fasciitis in my feet. Prior, it was extremely painful.
Shelby McC. (32 y.o. Female) Written 11/5/2015
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
My best friend, Sarah Sloan, previously worked here.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
With two kids, my energy level was low. We had to do infertility with both to get pregnant. I have PCOS, which causes me to not ovulate on my own. I had not had a menstrual cycle without the help of meds in over 10 years.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
Energy level is higher. Since my first adjustment, I started my cycle without meds after weaning my son from nursing.
Mandy H. (31 y.o. Female) Written 11/12/2014 ** Update: this patient got pregnant with her 3rd child WITHOUT any drugs – he was born March 2016.
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
My sister had been under the clinic’s care for almost a year before I began treatment. She gave me the initial information about Upper Cervical chiropractic.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
My problems began with an emergency appendectomy following severe stomach pain. I was relieved to be rid of the pain but realized that the other aches & pains I’d been living with couldn’t be remedied with surgery. I was experiencing arthritis pain in my hands actually causing me to lose my grip. I had throbbing deep vein pain in my hamstring making it uncomfortable to sit in the car or stiff chairs. My shoulder and arm on one side was practically useless. The pain was so indescribable that I just called it my rotten arm. Trying to sleep with that was miserable. I also had bouts with insomnia.
We all experience neck pain. Mine would render me nauseous with constant dull pain. I also suffer from skin issues like dandruff. I have peeling skin on my hands that left raw, red & painful patches. I was diagnosed with a skin cancer spot on my abdomen and my nose broke out in blisters after using a defective breathe strip.
I came to the clinic as a desperate person in a lot of pain with a lot of issues. In my mind, I felt as though I was crawling on my hands & knees through that door for help.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
After my first adjustment, my neck pain was instantly gone. What welcomed relief! Over that first year under Upper Cervical Care, each one of my issues and areas of pain have been chipped away slowly. To think that all of this progress towards better health has been accomplished naturally without medications and more surgery is nothing short of miraculous. Through education about Upper Cervical, believing in the whole concept and remaining under care, I plan on living a long & pain free life!
Holly R. (50 y.o. Female) Written 2/12/2012
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
A current patient recommended you to us.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
For 41 years I was troubled with high blood pressure, so erratic and unable to control it. More and more medication was given to me to bring it down.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
Since having this procedure, my blood pressure is low and steady! I have been able to leave off 2½ pills-and praise the Lord, my blood pressure is still low.
Dot F. (79 y.o. Female) Written 2/24/2011
How did you hear about Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic?
My sister and her family and my brother were coming here. My sister and her son had such dramatic improvement that when my brother urged me to come with him, I did.
Describe your health before Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care and how your health problems interfered with your life.
I had backaches when I worked out, or jogged, or played golf. It had gotten bad enough that I had stopped going to the gym to jog and work out.
I had high blood pressure (170/100) and a lung condition. I felt tired, sleepy, and without energy because of the medications for the problems.
How has your health improved since starting Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic care?
I am back at the gym. I jog, and I play golf, and I have no back pain. Because I can work out and jog again, I feel so much better. I am slowly withdrawing from medications and my blood pressure was 120/80 last week for the first time in 15+ years. I am a believer in Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic!
Dan M. (67 y.o. Male) Written 3/23/2010